The conversion time depends on the size of the file and workload of the server, yet, even if your file is big, we promise you that we will complete your task in a timely manner.
Privacy matters to usAll of your files uploaded will be used for conversion purposes only and will be deleted automatically 60 minutes after conversion. Your file content can be accessed by yourself or the ones you have shared it to.
Upload PDF from another CloudConvert PDF to Excel on Windows, Mac, Linux. Users can upload files from mobile, computer, tablets to our website. In addition, you can upload your files from services such as Dropbox or Google Drive.
Accurately convert from PDF to ExcelOur system can help users extract data from PDF to Excel easily and accurately. The data will fall into the correct and accurate column on the Excel. This technology is provided by Solid Documents.
Safe and Secure Our website is protected by 256-SSL encryption. To improve security and to respect your privacy. Top quality conversionOur service is simply quality. Other websites on the web will not support a PDF to XLS conversion. We make sure that we provide the best PDF service to end-users and lets you convert on the go, wherever you are.
Quickly and effortlessly create spreadsheets out of PDF files with the PDF to Excel converter. Say goodbye to time-consuming data entry tasks like inputting numbers and formatting cells - the PDF to Excel converter can do all that, with zero software needed!
Nowadays, nearly everyone prefers their files to be in PDF form, and it’s easy to see why - the format is easy to view and share, and works on almost all operating systems. But if you need to edit spreadsheets on PDF files, well, you’re in big trouble. Xls and xlsx files saved in the PDF file format are not editable because PDF saves them as images. This is a huge inconvenience especially if you are in a hurry and don’t have the proper software to help you with your task. Fortunately, PDFBear has a PDF to Excel converter to help you convert PDF to Excel in just a few minutes!
To put it simply, a PDF to Excel converter is an online conversion tool that turns PDFs to alterable Excel spreadsheets without ruining original document formatting. In other words, the tables, formulas, and other data present in the PDF look exactly the same in the newly formed spreadsheet. Once the PDF to Excel conversion is complete, you can do an Excel download, save it to your device, and make all of the edits you need! Isn’t that impressive? Convert PDF to Excel Online For Free If you’re as amazed by it as we are, you'll be far more impressed when you find out how it works. A PDF to Excel converter uses OCR, or Optical Character Recognition technology to accurately convert PDFs to editable Excel files. How is it able to do that? Here’s how - OCR analyzes the text from an uploaded image file, and then converts the text from the image into text that you can easily edit on your computer. People use OCR for two major reasons: to archive or repurpose documents. When you use OCR to edit PDF online or to convert a PDF file to a spreadsheet, you are accessing its repurposing feature. When OCR is used for repurposing, it can convert a printed table into an Excel spreadsheet, or an old book into a PDF with searchable text hidden under the page images. Advanced OCR technology can even turn printed text into HTML files viewable from any browser! Imagine what would happen if a PDF to Excel converter never existed. When you need to edit a spreadsheet in a PDF, you have to copy the tables from the PDF, paste the table to a Word document, then copy and paste it to Excel. Do it once, it’s fine, but when you’re given hundreds of PDF files to edit, it can be tedious and time consuming. Before you realize it, you wasted an entire day doing one thing over and over again. If you were to do the exact same thing with an PDF to Excel converter, you’d be done in an hour, tops.
If you are looking for a method to extract data from your PDF to Excel, we highly suggest that you use our PDF converter. We provide a safe, secure platform for you to convert with the best quality. All the service here comes in handy, use it now!